Friday, May 1, 2009

Chris and Sophia Engagement - San Luis Obispo, CA

Chris and Sophia are a sweet and genuine couple. This engagement shoot we ventured around the Laguna Lake area in San Luis Obispo. I actually already did the photography at their wedding in Santa Cruz (which will be blogged soon) at Nestldown, and it was amazing!

Chris and Sophia engagement photos taken by San Luis Obispo wedding photographer Samuel Potter

Chris and Sophia engagement photos taken by San Luis Obispo wedding photographer Samuel Potter

Chris and Sophia engagement photos taken by San Luis Obispo wedding photographer Samuel Potter

Chris and Sophia engagement photos taken by San Luis Obispo wedding photographer Samuel Potter

Chris and Sophia engagement photos taken by San Luis Obispo wedding photographer Samuel Potter

Chris and Sophia engagement photos taken by San Luis Obispo wedding photographer Samuel Potter

Chris and Sophia engagement photos taken by San Luis Obispo wedding photographer Samuel Potter

Chris and Sophia engagement photos taken by San Luis Obispo wedding photographer Samuel Potter

Chris and Sophia engagement photos taken by San Luis Obispo wedding photographer Samuel Potter

Chris and Sophia engagement photos taken by San Luis Obispo wedding photographer Samuel Potter

Chris and Sophia engagement photos taken by San Luis Obispo wedding photographer Samuel Potter

Chris and Sophia engagement photos taken by San Luis Obispo wedding photographer Samuel Potter

Chris and Sophia engagement photos taken by San Luis Obispo wedding photographer Samuel Potter

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