Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Parable Magazine Cover

Check out the website to The Parable Christian Stores Here

the parable san luis obispo cover shot by wedding photographer samuel potter

the parable san luis obispo cover shot by wedding photographer samuel potter

the parable san luis obispo cover shot by wedding photographer samuel potter

the parable san luis obispo cover shot by wedding photographer samuel potter

the parable san luis obispo cover shot by wedding photographer samuel potter

the parable san luis obispo cover shot by wedding photographer samuel potter


Chloe said...

I Love it!!!
You are so good! :)
Those picsare so classic and they show such pure love and fun! I also love the color and the clarity of the closeup shots! Did you also design the cover or just take the pics? Either way great work!

Samuel Potter said...

Thanks Chloe!
Parable did the cover design, I just took the photos :)

Sanguine Cole said...

this really funny but I check your blog occasionally to see your beautiful pictures and then was looking at the Parable shot because I know someone who works there and sure enough he was in the picture but then I looked closer and noticed that its me and my husband at the door, we cracked up, so thanks for including us in your blog! ;)