Monday, November 17, 2008

Mike and Nicole Wedding- Avila Beach, CA

two totally rad people, totally married now. 

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer


Sarah Kathleen said...

that one under the pier is fantastical. how do you get your pictures so consistently crisp and sharp? is that editing... or just the setting on the camera. because they are quite darn lovely.

May said...

Hey there, I've been stalking your blog for a few months now and I had to finally speak up....these are amazing!!! WOW, I love your shots with the tilt shift, but all of them are fabulous really. This is my favorite work that I've seen you put out there and I can't wait to see more, thanks for sharing!